Monday, August 07, 2006

In the spirit of story-telling, I've decided to concoct my own completely original, totally not plaigarised from anyone, little tale. Any resemblance to persons living or dead, or other stories you might find around is purely COINCIDENTAL.

Once upon a time, in a land far far away, there was this group of female donkeys. This group of female donkeys had just moved to a new co-ed herd, and as they had all previously come from same sex herds, they were not used to this new atmosphere. Anyway, it was quite generally understood in this new herd of theirs, that the boys stuck together, and the girls stuck together.

These five female donkeys were the best of friends, doing everything together. They were completely content on doing everything with each other. However, as all these five donkeys had previously come from Christian herds, they had been instilled with morals and values such as compassion and kindness. So one day when they saw a lone male donkey, they decided to take pity on him and include this poor male donkey in their activities once in a while.

This male donkey seemingly had no other friends. He was very happy when these donkeys included him in their group, and was very nice and humble at first. However, this male donkey decided to take how he was surrounded by females all the time to his advantage, and this really annoyed the five female donkeys to no end. This male donkey started trying to act really cool in front of all the other male donkeys, pretending to be someone his loser self totally wasn't. He of course had no idea that all these other male donkeys were of course laughing at him constantly both behind his back and in front of him. This male donkey hung around the females every minute of everyday, and this annoyed them as they were unable to talk about female donkey things.

One day, these female donkeys really couldn't tahan the male donkey anymore, whose name was POPE by the way. They decided to write him a letter saying that they needed their own time without him. Little did they know that POPE would turn into every typical freaky male Indian donkey out there and turn all stalkerish. POPE also went around acting all pathetic so that all the other donkeys would take pity on him, and just make the five female donkeys feel bad for something that was completely not their fault. Of course it completely didn't work. Just cause they're donkeys doesn't mean they're totally stupid.

I've yet to come up with an ending for this. Part 2 some other time I guess. Anyway, disclaimer's on top. I just hope some people don't decide I've been 'messing around with the wrong people' and come whack me up.

Oh enough with the satire. Night folks.

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